Development of the Nasheed in the world

In human life, poetry and sing already existed long before the religion of Islam brought by the king Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam lowered. That is why at every race in the world are found various kinds of songs or chants. And, the types of songs covering all aspects of human life, either from simple shapes in everyday life and evolve into other aspects of life. There is a kind of song called 'singing lullabies' (Lullaby), hymn, chanting, march, lilt like; pesso Dabla in Spain, in the Malay joget, Samba in Latin America, Chalte in India and others.
Along with the drop and the development of Islam, increases also the one kind of song that fills the wealth of treasures Islamiyah. Starting from the time of his death the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, where the king does not prohibit the poems that develop in themselves the Companions, as a continuation of pre-Islamic era. Only with the advent of Islam, the contents of poems and songs turned into a positive direction, no longer glorify lust and idolatry.
The poems and songs that can be said to be the oldest song in Islam is Thala'al Badru 'Alaina sung by a gang by the people of Medina, accompanied by the rhythm of tambourines struck together also welcomed the arrival of the Apostle emigrated from Mecca to Medina. That time has now passed for 1430 years.
This is the starting point of the development of Islamic poetry and song, the one thing that is sometimes denied its existence by a small group of Muslims who reject the culture of singing and poetry in Islam.
Along with the widespread Muslim populated areas, extends also the influence of Islamic chanting as a culture in the lives of the Muslims. During the Turkish dynasty ruled the world, developing a rhythm called Zapin. Blend of rhythm Turkey Arabia and Spain is growing and widening of the West to the East in the countries of Southeast Asia.
In the land of Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra and Brunei, the name of this type of rhythm remained unchanged. Community know him by his real name Zapin. In the Moluccas and the Philippines is known as rhythm-dhana dhana. However, it should be noted that the content of his verse is not out of the matters discussed are permissible, does not describe the lust or polytheism. Some examples of songs and poems that had rhythmic Zapin archipelago is famous in the country: Lancang Kuning, Admiral Hang Tuah, Admiral King at Sea, Bunga Melur and others. Zapin In addition to this there are also types of rhythms and songs that Islamic, and played without a pitched musical instrument such as hadhrah, marawis and others.
The Nasyid is now popular and well known in Southeast Asia is actually not the kind of new songs in Islam. The essence of the content of poetry and rhythm of Nasyid type has actually existed since the early days of Islam. It's just the name itself is not yet known Nasyid. But since the early days of independence, the kind of song is actually sung in the whole archipelago hemisphere with a different name.
In Jakarta, the Betawi people know him Gambus Orchestra, while in North Sumatra called Padang Pasir rhythm, and in Java called Qasidahan. Although some tools to use tool that pitched retinue such as violin, 'Od, Ganun and Accordion, whose laws still on the side of the scholars deviation. So that there is support and some are against.
In the mid 60's in North Sumatra, a champion Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ) International level in Malaysia named Hj. Nur Aisyah Djamil, once formed the first group qasida and sing songs that his verse is referred to as un-Islamic poetry. Group Qasidah Nasyid is named, was taken from the abbreviation of the name of the leader of "Nur Aisyah Djamil". This is where the beginning of the familiar names in the Nasyid Indonesia. Accompaniment tool that is used all no one pitched, only consists of various types of drums and tambourines only.
However, there are also those who argue that part a Nasyid word comes from the word "Nasyd", which means "Hymn".
In the 80-year Qasidah Group in Jakarta there are quite popular and always appear on a television screen using the name of their group with the name Nasyidaria. Only the accompanying tool wear modern tools are pitched such as guitar, organ and others.
In the early 90's, Al-Arqam Jamat explores Nasyid songs, some of which use the instrument without accompaniment tone. In fact, some are sung without accompaniment tool at all. Al-Arqam blow this opportunity in the booming Southeast Asian countries. Some of their popular songs are Asmaul Husna, Sunnah People Fighting, The Cottage Small and others. Their most popular group called Group of Nada Murni.
Now, in the 2000s Nasyid songs back formations. There is some progress that characterizes this Nasyid culture. The most prominent is the closer they are to the Islamic Shari'a. The singer who appeared dominated by men, in contrast to earlier, more dominated by women. And, if the first musical instruments used are diverse, is now emerging is a musical instrument without a tone. In fact, the acapella techniques began to emerge and worked nicely.
The swift songs poetry "pornographic" and 'free love' which hit the cultural and religious moral cause Nasyid now developed and got its own place in the hearts of the Muslims. Aa Gym for example, has composed a song called "Keep Your Heart 'and was' splitting the sky' this nation  to neighboring countries. Presumably the government's attitude is less responsive to the songs that are "immoral" cause so heavy resistance of the Muslims to stem the moral destruction of the business through the song.

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