Development Of Nasheed (Part 1)

Nasyid is a branch of Islamic art, as it contains lyrics that include messaging, memory, story of the prophets, and blew the call of Islamic missionary spirit in the process of nation development.
Nasyid developments that continue to place Muslim hearts Nusantara was founded by the pages of history are embedded in multi-party effort to uphold the artistic nasyid as a platform which can carry the Islamic da'wah mission to meet the demands of the community in play in human nature.
If examined current developments, the world today are marked by uproarious songs and music all glamorous, led the industry through a competitive nasyid competition in order to survive as a platform spread da'wah.
This fact demands that the artist directly nasyid nasyid intelligent mind in the struggle without compromising the guidelines set by the legislation taking into account the historical development in the archipelago and its contribution nasyid as a medium to spread da'wah.
Nasyid is usually chapel's famous Islamic religious character, and contains the words of advice, stories of the prophets, praising God and the like [2].
According to the Dictionary of the House (the case: 923) Nasyid is a song that usually dinyayikan a group that contains words that characterized the art of Islam.
Jalidar Hj Abdul Rahim explained the Arabs in ancient times the theme of poetry sing Falling Down and Prayers and often pick a song Arabic Misri. Station Resource Arabic song used to recite the Quran and other chapel's famous Islamic orientation that sounded through the nasyid and qasida now mostly come from the flow of Iraqi Arabic, Hijazi and Misri while another seven of Banjakka Station, Hejaz, Musyawaraq, Ras, Jaharka, Sika and Dukah. [3]
Terms nasyid by the Indonesian people, are parts of the word qasida as noted in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Even in other districts, there is a call Tagoni, Samrahan and so on. However, if viewed from the Arabic nasyid comes from the word meaning nasyada raised, the spirit, shouting and others. [4]
Indeed, the term Nasyid has appeared in Arab Muslim culture 3H/9M century and continue to grow over time. [5]
The arrival of Islam to the Archipelago to bring together Art and Culture Arab captivating beauty of the Muslim community, particularly in the Arab songs heard and accepted by reading the Quran and the wave track Qasida Tawasyih, Ibtihal [6] and nasyid and blessings of poetry marhaban Nuzum in praise and say blessings on the Prophet
Arabic songs are taken directly by Arab missionaries who came to the archipelago to propagate Islam. The Muslim community in Malaya was made nasyid Tawasyih [7], Qasida Majrur [8] and reading and Marhaban berzanji Rawi as an art in every wedding, Majlis Khatam Al-Quran, Circumcision Ceremony, celebrating a birth and the Prophet Muhammad's Welcoming Ceremony SAW [9]
In Indonesia Qasida percussion began to grow around the island of Java, especially in Jakarta and its surroundings after the Indonesian Communist Party tumbangnnya circa 1966/1967, said almost the entire range of regional and village has a group of Qasida percussion. In Qasida usually only accompanied by percussion instruments and tambourines tambourine.
In the early 1970s lyre Qasida Qasida began to grow along with percussion. Qasida lyre accompanied by musical instruments are usually made up of lute, violin, flute, drum, Bld, etc. and usually they bring songs missionary or religious-themed songs, with melodies and rhythms a la the Middle East. At the same time, there is usually carried Orchestra lute songs of the Middle East natural. [10]
Among the most famous lyre Orchestra in the early 70 - is an El-Surayya lyre Orchestra under the leadership of the late Prof. Ahmad Baqi nasyid art continues to expand around Indonesia. Late Prof. Ahmad Baqi was born in 1920 is well-known figure to develop the art nasyid not just in Indonesia but in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam. [11]
El-Suraya lyre band that is famous for its white blanket that song by the Head Atikah dinyayikan Rahman [12] to find a place to this day because of the lyrics that really touches the heart and able to shed tears for those observing.
Vicinity of the 70s are also many groups Qasida Pop, but it is favored by the elite. While in the mid-80's development also saw Qasida Qasida Dangdut Indonesia introduced by the Nasidaria from SAMARANG and in 1990 Qasida Percussion Plus also serves nasyid songs accompanied by instruments such as guitars, pianos and so while there is also Qasida Salawatan the song berintikan invocation followed by a soft musical instruments such as the Nasyid made famous by Alawi and Sulis Hadad.
Irama nasyid music and continued to expand in Indonesia with the creation Festivel Nasyid Indonesia (FNI), Festivel Nasyid Nusantara (FNN) and move the rise Nasyid Indonesia activated by Fatahillah Management Indonesia (FMI) [13].
Malaysia also received serious nasyid developments in around 70-80's. Up to produce a record album nasyid groups such as Al-Jawaher nasyid group known for its nasyid as Assalamuaikum, Adventure in the wilderness, We're In Him and bowed to him. There are also artists who record solo nasyid songs like Ahmadi Hassan.
Sabah also through the same note, where migration from Medan Indonesia missionaries who served with the Sabah Islamic Religious Council of Sidik Haji Umar established the Da'wah turbulence nasyid group in 1975 and students of the late Prof. Ahmad Haji Baqi Jalidar bin Abd Rahim nasyid group established Noor El-Kawakib in 1978 which has recorded cassettes and vinyl records. Among the songs included in the group's first album was Keep the blessed land of Islam, the Prophet, end of time, the United Islamic New Perfect and others. [14]
Nasyid developments were marked by organizing various competitions nasyid circa the 1980s, in which the RTM also conduct National Level Nasyid competition. While in 1991 the National diurusetiakan Festivel Nasyid by the Muslim Public Affairs (BHEAIS) Prime Minister who is now known as the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM). JAKIM Organise this Festivel (1991-2006) by 17 times while helping the Tilawatil Festivel nasyid (ASEAN) held in Kuala Lumpur in 1996. Nasyid contested categories at this time are generally divided into categories of traditional and modern.
In 1997, the emergence of contemporary Malaysia's first nasyid group Raihan is a pioneer of the contemporary nasyid golden age in Malaysia. Along came the turn Rabbani nasyid group, Hijjaz and Saujana a form of entertainment bermesejkan god and the Islamic values ​​of pure aimed at educating the public.
Up to now continue to flourish nasyid rhythm in Malaysia with the birth of many young people who continue to fight for rhythm as a medium nasyid missionary who also accepted by people of Brunei and Singapore.
History of development in Brunei Darussalam nasyid came into existence in the 80s, according to Hjh Normin Haji Mahali, Communications and the Islamic Development Division, Ministry of Religious Affairs of Brunei. Nasyid developments in Brunei is highly concentrated in schools and colleges around the country of Brunei.
So far the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Brunei has never conducted a national level Nasyid Festivel. Nasyid Competition held more schools and educational level as well as the role of Radio Television Brunei (RTB) to present to the community nasyid songs Brunei Darussalam. [15]
The tendency of people today who love the entertainment should be guided by and accurate filling of the current face of continued widespread Hedonism.
Look into the matter, nasyid seen very significant role as alternative entertainment, which can also inviting people to goodness. Prof. Dr. Ismail al-Faruqi said, not many Muslims are aware of the importance of sound art and music as an art form which expresses the view of the universe (world view) of Islam and the warmth was found among the visual arts and the art of hearing (visual and aural arts ) in Islamic culture. Similarly, many do not realize the importance of art headset used for the purposes of social activities.
In this regard, one of nasyid disciplines handasat al-Aswat (sound art) and art headset has grown rapidly in the archipelago has become a medium of preaching, particularly in the production of song that contains the value in educating society to strengthen the faith and piety in Allah , obedience to the Prophet, realize the greatness of God, inviting people to make the Sunnah as a guide and put the truth as a guide and goodness and beauty means possible to achieve the goal of love of Allah
Nasyid has also become the medium sustaining a wise missionary, is consistent with the purpose of Allah in Surah An-Nahl, verse 135:
"Invite to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and good bantahlah with good."
Wisdom can be defined with soft words, not done by force and not exempt from using the word art and music devastating, which can give an imprint in the human soul. In fact, objections and criticisms, even can be delivered in the form of art, it is synonymous with the life of the Malay community who also produced poetry and pantun for sharp criticism.
Nasyid also inviting people to remembrance of Allah in which elements of remembrance and prayers also decorate nasyid art, as well as serve as a method that can help facilitate the memorization Asmaul Husna, the names of the prophets, the nature of God and His Messenger, and the names of the verses in the Quran. Art has also been used as an aid in teaching and learning process.
Nasyid and Marhaban, has become an alternative activity of Islam today's youth, especially in mosques and prayer mengimarahkan and fill in the various activities of life with things that are beneficial. These get stuck to prevent youth from the activities of the growing social ills prevalent.
Nasyid have also become a medium of dissemination of missionary into broadcasting, where nasyid songs have become a form of broadcast entertainment arts on television and radio, Nasyid Plan Week (NMI), published by the Electronic Media and Broadcasting JAKIM since March 2004 to an approach to young people to choose a better entertainment and useful. Besides entertainment, the show also features many quotes verses of the Quran and Hadith according to the theme of broadcast. [16]
Radio Nasyid Chart IKIM also be broadcast entertainment choices some Muslim youth today.
Concert berintikan Islamic art as Nasyid also be used as charitable and missionary work space is open to all levels of society, the efforts made by the players association Art Nasyid Indonesia (PNI) through the concert "One Thousand Faces Faith" which means "A Thousand Faces One Faith "will tell the life of Muslims belonging to various generations, races and cultures.
Concert to be held on August 12, 2006 has a very interesting tentative as a medium of preaching. This concert event will begin with evening prayer in congregation by the audience and will be continued with the choir Nasyid Asmaul Husna with the audience is also served well as reading verses from the Quran and the video presentation, which incorporated the value of faith and accompanied performances that touch the soul nasyid . [17]
Nasyid art travel the archipelago are not free from the claims and responsibilities of preaching in the way of Allah. It is the responsibility of artists to continue inviting people to not forget the good with the Islamic ethics and morality should be the clothing of the time that nasyid can become agents of inviting people to amar nahi ma'ruf and evil.
Recognising professional nasyid in consistently learning is necessary in order to produce the caliber of artists nasyid.
Nasyid archipelago players must mengembeleng energy in creating institutions that can produce nasyid nasyid artists such as Prof. Ahmad Baqi is able to produce songs that make a difference in educating the soul based on the teachings of Islam.
Treatment creative writing creativity must not leave the original purpose nasyid, to preaching and Islamic overreach to the listener, whether directly or indirectly.
Writing related to the history of the archipelago nasyid should be increased in driving enthusiasts and practitioners capable of raising and continuing nasyid arts nasyid for future generations.
Hopefully, this information sharing to open the mind to continue to uphold as one medium nasyid missionary today.

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