Development Of Nasheed (Part II)

Perhaps, many who consider Islam and sound art are two things that have absolutely no connection. In fact, if history is pulled back, the real creative effort to bring the spirit of Islam to the world of sound art has been a long time, even since the time of the Prophet. For example, the poem "thola'al Badru 'Alaina' (has appeared in the middle of our moon) - which now often sung team taklim kasidah and assemblies - is a poem that was sung while welcoming the arrival of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad. for the first time to Medina.

Creative journey that continues to this day. In its development, the art which is then better known as nasyid, both color and theme music continues to move, according to the circumstances of the time which also continues to grow.

In Indonesia, the phenomenon began seemingly nasyid development since the 1980s. That said, echoes much aided by the development of the nasheed in the neighbor country, Malaysia. Initially, the activist nasyid in the neighbor country, Malaysia. Initially, the activists on the ground nasyid bring more water-born Arabic nasheed from the Middle East or Malaysia nasyid. Next, they began creating her own songs, which most certainly lyrical Indonesia.

If observed, the themes presented by nasyid homeland was very diverse. Not just a matter such as jihad, for example, but also other problems, ranging from social problems, marital problems or domestic, and more. For sure not a few who tried to respond nasyid actual events that occurred, both in Indonesia and the world (Islam) more generally.

The result, nasyid increasingly to the fore. The new group nasyid bearers continue to emerge. The names of groups like Snada, Voice Brotherhood, Islamic Izzatul, As Shabab, Harmony Voice, Sam Abdullah, Wise, Brothers, and many more well known among connoisseurs of nasyid. Not to mention the groups with a more localized, as is present among Adolescents Mosque, Rohis school (junior high / high school), or campus.

Despite developments in the homeland nasyid still fairly young, proved capable of showing a great passion. Perhaps, the enthusiastic reception along with the growing awareness among some teenagers in some adolescents and youth. Keberislaman spirit among some teenagers and young adults. Keberislaman spirit that is within the art world, among others, embodied in the nasyid, whether it is only appreciate and be creative at the same time.

Contributions Bandung

Speaking nasyid developments in the homeland, the contribution can not be ruled out Bandung. Since the first, Bandung is known as one of Indonesia's music mecca. For example, in the era of the 1970's the first music magazine in Indonesia, the current was born in Bandung. Apparently, the contribution to the development of music nasyid Bandung was immense.

Nasyid group who was born in Bandung spelled out very much, especially since the mid-1990s. They grow and thrive in a variety of stage shows and festivals or competitions. Not a few of them who then scored the album, although the scope of marketing is still fairly limited and managed independently. Another thing that really helps them is the presence of radios that provide sufficient space for the presence of nasyid. In fact, there are radio mengkhusukan themselves for nasyid music, such as MQ FM.

Nasyid Like in other areas in Indonesia, Nasyid in Bandung is also generally much influenced nasyid from the Middle East and Malaysia. According to the Ass. MQ FM Radio Program Director, Nugraha Musthofa Nur al Afghani, the kind of nasheed that comes from the Middle East more breath struggle. The goal is to promote the spirit of jihad among Muslims. Meanwhile, nasyid from Malaysia, are generally wider in scope. Be a means of caller nasyid goodness with a more spacious meaning.

Apparently, the presence of nasyid-nasyid from abroad participated nasyid spur activists in Bandung City to give birth to works of its own. Nasyid group harmony is one of the founders with their works-style acapella. Unfortunately, this group is now defunct. However, it does not mean nasyid in Bandung and then drowned. In fact, new names popping up more and more, such as Mupla, The Fikr, Hawari, and more.

Later, developments in Bandung nasyid just added rapidly. It can not be separated from the presence of the media, especially radio stations that provide a wide space for the presence of nasyid. In fact, since 1999, standing Daarut Ummah Radio-Tauhid which was the only radio selecting nasyid as basic music from the genres of music that they contributed.

In the next development, because the demands of technology, Radio Ummah is moving in the AM moving to FM with the name changed to Radio MQ FM 102.65. This displacement causes the audience reach of more supportive of development of the nasheed.

Along with the development nasyid, in addition to the theme of cultivating an increasingly deep and wide, cast the music that is presented even more varied. If at the beginning of its development nasyid more inclined to a simple composition with only percussion instruments, are now much more varied. So, do not be surprised if there is now a rhythmic nasyid pop, rock or R & B.

One example is the Nanda Nasyid. Terdir nasyid group of six personnel who is carrying the flow of progressive pop music with a touch of R & B. Although only appeared in April 2003, this group of extraordinary acclaim from pencintanya. One of them is evident from their ability to "champion" three consecutive weeks on the show's Top Ten Request MQ FM.

With all the progress, nasyid has brought an interesting phenomenon. Presence in Malaysia which has been aligned to surpass even the pop music is a very good achievement, especially for music that brings a special spirit as nasheed. In Indonesia, it seems, the development has not sepesat nasyid it. However, the existence of a special radio play nasyid, nasheed albums more marketable although some still big indie label, which not only echoes nasyid felt during Ramadan, television did not hesitate to again play nasyid, are some facts that indicate that nasheed progressing quite positive.

So, what about the fate of nasyid next? Obviously this is very dependent on the creativity of the artists nasyid and perhaps also the spirit of religious music lovers.

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