Development of Nasheed (Part IV)

(A Travel Notes 1998-2008)
What a proud and encouraging to see progress achieved Nasyid Indonesia a decade back. Hundreds if not thousands of new nasyid team emerging with a variety of colors and themes that carried. Is it enough to stay here? How should munsyid-term for nasheed singer-and-term nasyider for lovers and observers nasyid-behave and act?

Era Prior to 1998

Let us look briefly Islamic chanting before the reform era. Long before there have actually been chanting nasyid islami other nuances as well as Hadrah Qosidah as a means of propaganda. But the means of propaganda can only touch certain circles.

Nasyid present as an answer to this problem were excavated from Siroh Nabawiyah and adapt to the circumstances present. Nasyid Indonesia began to develop around the late 80s when various Islamic movements began to enter the international affiliation to the homeland. At first nasyid evolved from the mosque and praying activist campuses prestigious state universities. Nasyid iru time tend to have the appearance of "monotonous" with a distinctive color as well as the Arabic-language poetry and rhythm that rekindle the spirit of Islam. Only when the early '90s appeared nasyid teams bring a new style of jamming more pop like Snada, although many also serving nasyid harokah which still survive today as Izzatul Islam.

The munsyid managed to get into the studio, a large class through the major label Musica Studio. Perhaps because of the political era that time is less supportive plus rampant music nasyid Indonesia secular causes stunted growth. At best they only appear when the month of Ramadan just to fill time and the time of breaking dawn or when the feast of Eid al-Fitr.

Era After 1998

Along with dikumandangkannya era of reform, freedom of expression was unstoppable as if broken. Benefit gained a lot of things but not a few dangers and challenges faced. Our society began to familiar songs with simple but meaningful sung by the chanter nasyid even celebrities are usually humming a love-romance bandwagon Sentir rock songs brought religious. Munsyid-munsyid coming from the neighboring country so that we know the names like Raihan, intimate, BROTHERS and others. With an easily understandable nasyid kesemsem they make the listener.

What about munsyid Indonesia? One by one we can mention allied comrades from boarding Darut Tawhid like The Fikr, TAZZAKA or MQ Voice of concern to management problems qolbu where they are accompanied by the strains of nasyid percussion charming. There are also teams that target teenage nasheed like MG-16 which is now renamed the F-1 or Justice Voice. The themes that brought a very young man once came from the use of slang and selengan but still polite. There are even some nasyid those who accompanied the keyboard or a full drum set like a band. There is also a team that maintains shrewdness nasyid music playing acapella aka mouth like GRADASI  or SUARA PERSAUDARAAN.

Actually there are many names and other colors available including nasyid teams that took the indie label to produce and market their own work or a gig from one Weeding Party to another. Do not forget also the teams nasyid impromptu mosque belonging to teenagers who usually formed the day before the activity is held. With a variety of limitations, but their spirit deserves to thumbs up.


Nasyid awareness and development are inseparable from each other. Both mutual influences like symbiotic mutualism in a dynamic ecosystem. This is what should be remembered every munsyid and nasyider. Frenetic world of entertainment should not obscure our view of our initial goals and intentions. Lillahi Ta 'ala. Nasyid journey is still long and there are still many new things that will develop. We must be more creative in our work without forgetting pack syar'i corridor.

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