Maidany Nasheed Profile

HISTORYStanding 8 Agustus1995, by Mr. Raden Chandra Kelana Sukma (now active in the group Sauhar, Bandung). With missionary vision through art, Maidany a nasyid group of young Muslims in the stretcher by the Medan city campus that give the feel of the new musical at the time. Nuance melayu, acapella, pop, and not infrequently brought humming with color marching to the beat beat hard, while at the same time that the city of Medan is generally understood nasyid as the rhythmic chanting of the desert, orchestral harp, marhaban and sholawatan. Maidany inspired the birth of modern nasheed group-group especially suamtera northern survive until today
VisionBeing a professional in presenting the legendary group humming-hearted
MissionBeing a pioneer of Islamic art at the forefront and be able to provide exemplary attitude as a group of Islamic art is characterized byActively participate in the concert / performance art dipentas local to international IslamicActive and commitment in the creation of artwork that can be enjoyed by everyone, especially teens to young professionalsIlluminate the stairs at home with the Islamic entertainment as well as a means of guidance for their personalityAn inspiration to every soul in his life to be a human being capable of providing the best work for the benefit of many humanIn cooperation with all parties can support maidany reach the goal
August 1997, shocking the world Maidany Islamic music in Medan by issuing three albums simultaneously (synchronously), namely:1. Sholatlah deck 2. Alfajar and 3. Amin ya Allah
Starting 2004, the active release of the album include:
4. Language Life (2004) with Glass The Dust and Soul Language is phenomenal, Unique Love Senandung also create a soothing mother and father
5. Hum Heaven (2005) with Waiting Disayup Love that always dominate the radio tenChart archipelago to have survived for more than 10 months (subhanalloh), there are songs evoke a chilling trail! we wakafkan become hum-per-Joeang's generation of fighters for the national level (National Scout) who later in 2007 entrusted to our senior abangda Izzatul-Islamic to me repackage
6. Two Faces (2007) with a motivating Soul Life, Not a Judge who always represents the feelings of friends archipelago, as well as Two Face is always on the request within each perform Maidany
7. DVD The Best of Maidany (2009)
8. Love of a Lover (2010) with a package of seven previous song arransement antecedent re-adding energy to every temple of the lyrics, adding a long row of testimony heart hearted friend who loves humming Maidany,
let's call it The Dust Glass, Native Soul, not the judge and Love One Love (a love story to our great prophet his people),
Be Love plus a new single, lifting Izzah a wife to a high degree, because the faithful accompany her husband struggle, following in the footsteps treatise prophet
Personnel Nasyid 2006 s.d now
1. Yusmariono, SPd
2. Fakhruddin Amri "Sijiwa" Damanik
3. Adrossadeq
4. Aqos Syahrial
Personnel Nasyid Maidany era s.d 2006 1995
1. Raden Chandra Kelana Sukma (1995 till 1998), founder
2. Sigit Pramono Asri (1995 s.d 1996)
3. Chandra Sinaga Martyrs (1995 s.d 1996)
4. Enda Sinaga (1995 s.d 1996)
5. Syawal (1995 s.d 1996)
6. Agus Salim (1996 s.d 1998)
7. Mustafa Ismail (1996 s.d 1998)
8. Zulfahmi Nasution (1996 s.d 1998)
9. Faisal (1996 s.d 1998)
10. Andri (1996 s.d 1998)
11. Syafrizal (1996 s.d 1998)
12. Fadli Sirait (1997 s.d 1998)
13. Anwar Zailani (1997 s.d 1998)
14. Adrossadeq (1997 s.d now)
15. Ruslan (1997 s.d 1998)
16. Junanda 1998
17. Andi Syahputra (2000 s.d 2002)
18. Andi Suhendra (1999 s.d 2002)
19. Hidir Dongoran (1999 s.d 2002)
20. Muhammad Irfan (1999 s.d 2002)
21. Fakhruddin Amri Damanik / Sijiwa (1999 till now)
22. Ayatollah Muhammad Zufri (1998 s.d 2002)
23. Sobrin Tarigan (1998-1999)
24. Shawwal Wan (1998-1999)
25. Setyo Dewo Doni (1998)
26. Retno Syahputra (2002-2006)
27. Aqos Syahrial (2003-present)
28. Yusmariono (2003-present)
Concept Music
For Maidany music that accompanies each work is as an amplifier Maidany messages to be delivered
Flow Music
To stream music, in the future we will carry the theme "World Music", which is peppered with ethnic nuances
Color Song
Berhatinya Maidany hum together in the color "Romantic Progressive Nasyid". Amid the barren soul, between the storm formations, in the matchless love, Maidany come up with the beat-beat romantic free but not melenakan and grief but do not spoil, go kerelung heart of every man who heard it, closer to their love of Allah, Prophet and struggle to be the best. Thema LOVE to be the main theme is always the lift in each work with a variety of musical color expression.
Be Inspiration Senandung
Documentation and Achievement
Nasyid Maidany Group since its foundation is very active in the show (live / show) in the event trending, events and ceremonies such as seminars, workshops walimatul'ursy, art performances, concerts, single / solo events and other art that until this moment. Maidany also been involved in the making of the video clips on local television that TVRI Medan. The events that the records themselves, such as:

In 1998 the first concert attended by 1500 auidence, still singing the old song was from the other nasyid group and the second concert of 1999 brought seven new songs and got a positive reception, attended by approximately 1000 people
Concert with Tim Izzatul Islamic nasheed (from Jakarta) in 2000 at the Arena USU, Medan
Year 2002 Guest Stars diacara tabligh akbar with speaker usatdz KH Abdullah Gymnastiar (A'a Gym) Pimpina Pontren Daarut Maimun monotheism in the Palace, Medan
In 1999, a single concert hall in the building of a new week of Malay, Riau province.
Replacing Tim Nasyid Hijjaz (Hijjaz unable to attend) as the main star diacara international charity concert that was initiated by the BEM in the Auditorium of the University of North Sumatra (USU), in April 2003
As an Artist Opening at the concert: "Greet the sun beginning of the year with Raihan" on January 5, 2003.
Concert at the ACC campus buildings Unsyiah Bandah Aceh on the show Unsyiah Fair 2 times 2003 and 2005
In 1999 a major star in the stage show of Islamic art in the city of Cane, Southeast Aceh, Sumatra. "
2004 launching of the album Language of Life at USU Student Arena House, attended by 800 or so audience
March 2006 launching the album at the House of Sky Senandung Bagindo Aziz West Sumatra city of Padang, at the same award as Swarna AWARD tereksis nasyid group on the island of Sumatra
2007 launching of the album Two Faces in the auditorium of the campus attended the State University of Medan in 1000 the audience
1 April 2007 concerts in Indonesia School of Kuala Lumpur in KL, Malaysia
24 April 2005 with six concerts nasyid group incorporated within the Association Nasyid Nusantara region of Medan in North Sumatra University Auditorium building, 1300 audience at the same time raising funds for Palestinians
2003 - 2008 consecutive annually perform at the Ramadan Fair in the Garden city government of Sri Medan Masjid Raya Medan-Deli
2008 Concert Bareng Group UNIC Malaysia-based Islamic University of Medicine on the campus of North Sumatra
March 2010 concert at the Milad Singkil districts - Aceh Province
Jingle Making Sharia Medina Supermarket, a subsidiary of Yaohan TIGER GROUP in 2007
Making Jingle candidates mayor / deputy mayor of Medan 2010
Being a vocalist in the album documentary "Orangutan Foundation" Observation Centre Orang Utan in the Gunung Leuser National Park 2010
2010 Concert with Opik at the House of Selecta, in NIGHT OF FUNDS for proselytizing PAPUA
2011 concert with Ebit G Ade on Radio RRI Padang city of North Sumatra, with local Water nasyid group, Al-Voz
2011 Training and Workshop Nasyid with the National Muslim group in the Anggun Nan Tongga Pariaman city
Love One Love concert together with Bank Syariah Mandiri city RIAU Chart Stone, The Better For The Better Legacu Indonesia, 2011
MTQ opening concert at Chevron in Indonesia in the city Mins, Siak, Riau
with the children rohis Pekanbaru se "Againt Valentine Days" provide support before their action in Pekanbaru February 2011

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