Kareem Ali Profile

Kareem Ali Profile - If hip hop is indeed a reflection of the sentiments’ echoed throughout society, than the world is in trouble. In a time when people no longer have any emotional connection to the music that once provoked so much feeling in the 80s and 90s .the level of talent possessed by the artist in that generation is all but a distant memory. As the constant glorification of social degradation, violence and misogyny fills the airways. The people have clearly traded in their religion for materialism. More than ever before the music world is in need of a new voice. That voice belongs to Kareem Ali. Born in Seoul Korea and raised in the city of Baltimore, Named after basketball great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and boxing legend Muhammad Ali. His unique background set the stage for the politically charged rapper to take the music world by storm.

Coming from a Christian background Ali embraced Islam at age 17 “it was the rigid simplicity of monotheism, the uncompromising belief in one God, the transforming power of that message and its universal appeal initially sparked my reversion.” I’m not in this to make Muslims, only Allah can do that, however I’ve always felt that if used correctly hip hop cold be a positive tool for uplift. If poetry does what it is suppose to do, stimulate thought, than perhaps people would fall back on the basis of their own religions and return to the principals of faith and the practice of that faith. “Like few before him, the spiritually inclined mc has combined intellectual lyrics and high level poetry blended with social commentary never before heard on the mic.
Kareem Ali Profile

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