Profile Five Eighty

Profile Five Eighty - Substance. Consciousness. Lyrical Prowess. These are all elements thatseem to be severely lacking in the current state of Hip Hop. Hip Hopas we know it is changing and among those on the frontlines making thechange is Oakland Emcee Five Eighty. Black Dream Entertainment'spremier artist, Five Eighty, is a torchbearer and bridge into the nextera of Hip Hop. This Oakland native takes his inspiration from adiverse catalog of artists who have made a mark in musical history.They range from the legendary Billie Holiday- which is exhibited inhis soulful choice of production- to Hip Hop Legends Tupac Shakur,Common, and Nas. Five Eighty combines a distinct feeling ofspirituality with an edgy street delivery which is sure to pleasecritics and fans alike.

Amir 'Five Eighty' Abdul-Shakur is a well skilled battle Emcee. FiveEighty perfected his skills through his well-earned rankings inciphers and freestyle competitions in Oakland and Southern California.Emceeing has become a rare art form. However, Five Eighty is among thefew remaining. His street 'n spirituality edge is a direct reflectionof his tribulations in life and upbringing. Tragedy would strike in1997 when his mother succumbed to AIDS. This life-changing ordealexpanded his artistic arsenal, led him to pursue music full time andmore importantly led him to Islam. Five Eighty says, "You have to havea certain swagger about you to succeed. I'm coming in the game as aBattle Rapper. I want to resurrect the lost art of Emceeing."

Fans chimed in with accolades on his latest Mixtape effort 'Stakes IsStill High.' "It's packed with dope Emcees. I'm proud of Five Eightyfor doin' his thing and raising the stakes. The stakes are definitelystill high.""You're a wordsmith with purpose. Your words hit thesurface of mind heart and soul. This is definitely the direction thatMuslim artists must be heading towards. Quality production withquality and thought filled rhymes."

Five Eighty is set to deliver a dose of much needed spirituality,creativity and lyricism back into the currently dormant state of HipHop. The Bay Area bred wordsmith is raising eyebrows on both aNational and International level with his latest effort "Stakes IsStill High". The Mixtape has been well received and the Oakland battlerapper takes you on ride from beginning to end. The momentum of thealbum is like shifting gears in a Porsche on a California Highway.Each track brings its own level of increasing intensity andexcitement. Industry officials from major record labels (G-Unit andDef Jam Records) have received Five Eighty's Mixtape 'Stakes Is StillHigh' with accumulating interests.
Profile Five Eighty

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