Profile Jefri Al Bukhori

Profile Jefri Al Bukhori - UJE Born in Budi Rahayu, 12 April 1973. Ust H. Jefri children to the third of five children whose father was named Alm. H. Capital and named Ismail umminya Ustz Dra. Hj. Tatu Mulyana. Ust Jefri has a brother who first Alm. Ust. H. Riyad Abdullah, the second brother Ust. H. Aswan Faisal, the brother of the four H. Dawn and the fifth Decky Ustz Hj. Nona. Ust Jefri Pipik Dian Irawati married on 7 September 1999 and had two children named Adiba Khanza Zahra Mohammad Al-Ghifari Abidzar, Azuhro Ayla and Bilal Rizqullah Ataya.

When his childhood UJE same as other small children, given the grace of Allah SWT and the ease in learning to read Al-Quran. This is thanks to hard work and guidance of parents in educating children to be pious and Solehah. This was evident at the time sitting on the bench UJE grade 3-5 elementary school achievement MTQ (Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an) to the provincial level UJE complete primary school, and along with her siblings following the Modern Islamic School in Dar el Qolam Gintung, Balaraja Tanggerang for 4 years .

UJE has two sides to his personality at first. First, Uje in the school take part in or attend lectures rohis, Second UJE drifted with friends clubbing drug users are also happy. UJE as well as to follow the instruction ngeboat together with fellow students in the cafeteria. In 1991 UJE been a dancer at one club. After meeting a stranger asked to play sinteron UJE and finally get the best performance to be an actor in the TVRI sinteron Broken Wings.

It is aware UJE of artificial life, when UJE invited Umrah with his brother and their mother also to repent and in the end after leaning on the Kaaba and banging his head until UJE crying, asking forgiveness of Allah SWT in order to forgive sins been done. originated from the conversion effort, UJE had a mandate from the late elder brother. Ust. H. Riyad Abdullah, for his brother in Jakarta continued Da'wah, as late Ust. H. Abdullah Riyad gain the trust of the MUIS (the Islamic Majlis Ugame Singapore) to be a priest at the mosque Haji Mohammad Salah, adjacent to the Al Maqam Habib Nuh Ethiopia, Palmer Road, Singapore. From there UJE started preaching through assemblies taklim, mosque, mosque and could slowly, as now, known by the community much admired by all parties.

Of a very difficult process, UJE eventually to evolve for the support, patience, steadfastness of the people around him who are always there for her. In addition the guidance of Allah SWT. and His guidance, UJE can feel at peace in his life to begin to love God, the Prophet Muhammad, Parents and loved each other.
Profile Jefri Al Bukhori

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