Therapy from Raihan & Hafiz Hamidun

Therapy from Raihan & Hafiz Hamidun - Entertainment is a branch of human nature. All men love the entertainment. And with entertainment, people feel their lives terubat. Entertainment, in fact, not only listen and watch the drama or film. Entertainment is universal. Hear the rhythm of reading verses of the Qur'an is the entertainment, listening to talks is entertainment, and hear the rhythm of remembrance is also entertainment. Balance in the selection of entertainment content to the switch on the human psyche.

On efforts to revive the human spirit, the two artists this nasyid album to come up with another little habit. If previously the choice of tunes in the album production, but this time they come up with a therapy that can turn jiwa.Konsep coarse language therapy or treatment is sure to treat the human soul.

Raihan, although quite retreat, but they come with their new album, Remembrance Teraphy. If seen from the pattern of publication of this album, there is the concept of looking like the album Praises for The Prophet. Remembrance Teraphy concept album is 100% without accompanying music, and Acapella.

But some confusion has arisen about Raihan members now. Remembrance Album is not displayed picture Teraphy Amran. Are Raihan had three now? The answer is sought.

Remembrance Album: Come Together, contains Teraphy like At Rosario, Allah Ya Allah, Ya Dzal Jalali Wal Ikram, Solawatul Karim, Creed, O God, Prayer of Repentance, Ya Latif, Praise be to God, At tahmid and Istighfar.

The album was produced by Raihan Records and distributed jointly by Inteam Records. It's also worth it. Only RM19.90 only!

At the same time, another missionary arts also came up with the concept album Terapi.Hafiz Hamidun rhythm, a nasyid composer and singer, came up with its third album of the concept of remembrance Remembrance Day Personal Therapy.

This album includes: Come Together as stylish, La ilaha illallah, Praise be to God, sincere repentance, Hasbi Rabbi, Hawla Wa La La, thank God, Yes Zaljala, YaLLatif, God and Lawkana Bainana. This album features music enough to calm our souls.

Hafiz Hamidun album was produced by Arteffects Sdn Bhd for RM19.90 only!
Therapy from Raihan & Hafiz Hamidun

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