Artist nasyid and Commercial Photo

Artist nasyid and Commercial Photo - Commercial image plays an important role in the formation of an image and branding of a product. Sometimes, it seems trivial, but could provide a huge impact on publicity and 'marketing' product. Similarly artist!. Commercial artist pictures actually play a big role in forming the image and branding of the artist. See only a few large groups like Raihan, Hijjaz and Rabbani. In addition to vocal strength enough respected, they are seen to be successful about their image among the fans. Their commercial image of the reference number. Shirts, caps and their style was imitated a few fans and no less also have artists who also follow suit.

There are some artists who only have a picture only commercial from the early involvement in the industry until now! There are also some who do not have pictures for commercial purposes. Only depend on the photo album or a snapshot of their fans. Sometimes, the organizers are having trouble to take the appropriate pictures on Facebook artist to put on a concert poster!

The following are the advantages of having commercial image:

Commercial images to determine 'value' of an artist. 
Some concert organizers tend to provide lower payments to artists who do not have a picture nasyid commercial interest. Gloomy picture just to give 'bad impression' to the organizers to give a high price.

Commercial images to assist in promoting concerts. 
Good commercial picture could help in promoting a concert. No doubt, other big names, images displayed on posters, buntings and banners concert attracts people to buy concert tickets.

Images to determine the standard commercial artist. 
Many organizers of the event or high profile events tend to invite artists who have a high commercial value. From whence comes the benchmark for measuring the level of a user commercial artist? Of vocal strength, clothing, personal images and do not forget the picture commercially!

Commercial picture show music artists. 
We need not weary to publicize our music genre. For those who prefer an acoustic singing nasyid, wear modest clothing and jewelery (and Stylo!), Then reach the guitar and bergambarlah!

Commercial images as promotional materials for the best! 
It is the natural disposition of every man to enjoy seeing beautiful things, beautiful and attractive. Picture of beautiful and attractive commercial and therefore can be promotional material to an artist.

In fact, many advantages have pictures for a commercial artist. The more popular the artist, the more commercial pictures! Popular artists tend to produce images of different commercial style, fashion and grooming just to give a fresh image to the fans! (Refer to Maher Zain)

Here, let me share some tips for posing for pictures for commercial purposes.
Wear light-colored and attract appropriate color.
Make sure your clothes and shoes clean and protected from any dirt. (Shame if the shirts and pants vast but dirty shoes. Haha)
Smile .. Smile give them a positive aura that will look at the picture later.
Do not static and rigid. Give your best pose. If less skilled, consult friends or ask the photographer to take your picture. Professional photographers know best pose for you.
Bring objects that can be used as props for your commercial image as musical instruments, antique microphones and any other relevant objects. (Hafiz Hamidun have their photo taken with a microphone for the album Syukran style. Lawa right?)
Ask the photographer to take pictures with different poses, different style and different props. If you can, with some different clothes!
Sometimes, candid pictures too vast for the commercial picture. (I like the picture looks like a candid Inteam're kidding. It makes their commercial image is not too formal and more relaxed)

Importantly, provision of a penny for the services of professional photographers. Take some pictures at the studio and may also be appropriate to take outdoor pictures.

This article was written not to teach any of the artists but it is an expression of the heart of a nasyid fans who want to see artists nasyid highly regarded by all parties and no further incidents nasyid artists looked down upon by anyone. It is also to uphold the nasyid industry to greater pride, inshaAllah.
Artist nasyid and Commercial Photo

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