Ust Hasrizal : Contemporary nasyid Lost Direction

Ust Hasrizal : Contemporary nasyid Lost Direction - This interesting article published with the consent of Al-Fadl Ust Hasrizal Abdul Jamil. Extracted from the blog belonging to Ust. Hasrizal,

Nasyid already moving away.

Remember to Nadamurni which performs at a night club in Bangsar with Zainal Headwind.

Abu Ratib remember the rhythm of the home with your child, when Syria was soaked in blood that was spilled by a native of Al-Asad regime.

Memory is still fresh in rhythm with songs Ba Çakmak Mesut? Ba? Lar quoted in a bloody small Erzincan province of Turkey.

Nasyid travel here and there through various developments. Some are proud of. Many also mengecamuki thoughts, feelings.

This article I take to broadcast magazine February 2007 issue of Community Hall. Long perspective, but still contemplated return, five years after the passage of time.

More than a decade has passed since the emergence of the first album Raihan nasyid group "? Praise"?? in 1996. It created the phenomenon of being able to make a paradigm shift in the community's identity as one of the branches nasyid performing arts. The response was overwhelming and even overcome the popularity of the stars of the existing, through album sales reached 650,000 units in the next few months, and until now stands at over 1 million. These figures make the album "? Praise"?? as the best album in the history of album production in our country in terms of record sales.

Since the emergence of Raihan, a host of other nasyid groups emerged.

Until at some point, the nasyid genre leading to stream music in our country. It's completely changed many aspects that are usually associated with previous nasyid album. In the past, nasyid album only sold in stalls religious lectures, Islamic bookshops and night markets, now nasyid has already successfully positioned itself at the premises of album sales, under the auspices of international marketing company.

Experienced by the arts development in Malaysia has installed nasyid reflux. Not only in terms of acceptance of the nasyid album by album sales, but also increasingly diverse nasyid colorful to arise many questions surrounding the future direction and nasyid in our country.

The first half decades since the emergence of Raihan and that generation, nasyid was seen as a form of artistic expression that has its own identity. Malaysian nasyid music combines elements of Arab and archipelago, resulting in a beautiful combination of language and adhere to the spirit and feelings of the audience. As Islamic songs in Turkish, Arab countries, Pakistan and Iran wearing the local culture, as well as in Malaysia. Nasyid Malaysia has a sense of identity and form a genre of its own.

After a difficult journey to time, elements of a more "foreign" began to enter the Malaysian nasyid music revelation. In the past, most nasyid features rhythm, lyrics and performance close to the Malay environment, now the elements normally associated with Western culture took over until eventually produce contemporary nasyid 'pitched raggae, blues, hip hop and rock.


Such changes in such a way, happen for a variety of factors. Among them is a matter of urgency to make the difference.

To try.

Each album nasyid who want to stake on the market, struggling to think of new and unique elements, in order to work the attention of listeners and then translated into an impressive album sales achievement. Element in the rhythm nasyid stereotypes, fear of competition difficult. Variants and unique, is a key component for the survival of artists anywhere in the production of each of their new album.


Apart from push marketing strategy, nasyid not run away from the platform to be regarded as Islamic message conveyed to the various segments of society. Changing tastes in the community a taste of their art, taken by contemporary nasyid groups as a factor that demands them to chase trends are changing and society. In that way, nasyid can come up with an image that is closer to adolescence. In other words, changes in rhythm nasyid today, regarded as a justification for the wise missionary. What is the wisdom that is expressing the message of Islam in the form missionary target, the listener nasyid. Nasyid genre contemporary with Hiphop and rock intended as a missionary to the younger generation of Hiphop and rock.


When nasyid spoken of as a medium of preaching, his role has been played in that context as early as 80?'s With the emergence of nasyid group as previously Nadamurni under the auspices of al-Arqam movement. Although most of the songs which was produced nasyid messages and beliefs held in the fight against al-Arqam group itself, is generally accepted Nadamurni albums as part of the contributors to the awareness and the rise of Islam in 80 years? 'S and 90? An . Nadamurni nasyid concerts are always eagerly awaited by fans. Even in that era, Nadamurni able to penetrate the clubs and work with the popular singer, bring the Islamic voice to a place that is almost impossible to be penetrated by ordinary preacher. Nadamurni role of missionary work, through nasyid, equally enriched by the emergence of the albums nasyid groups, such as album art and aspiration Abu Ratib nasyid, nasyid, published by University Press of Salam. Similarly, the emergence of nasyid group from among the students home and abroad, especially the radiation Azhar. Similarly, Al-Wadi Usrah under the auspices of the Malay Federation of Arab Republic of Egypt (PMRAM)

However, the scope of listeners and fans to nasyid in this era is limited to students in religious schools, and those who are directly involved in the missionary field. Nasyid in this era more than serve as an alternative entertainment for the 'religion' and 'missionary.

It is not for mass dining.
Only with the advent of Raihan album in 1996 alone, this dimension of change and opportunity nasyid appear for the first time in broadcast media in our country and until the scope of the listeners and music lovers without the border wider. Nasyid songs begin to experience changes. If previously, most nasyid talk about aspects of the fight and struggle, but also current issues such as the issue of Muslim Palestine, Kashmir and Bosnia, post lyrics nasyid album 'Praise' opens to the remarks on the subject of a more general and can be appreciated by 'the public'.

If the nasyid is defined as a medium of preaching, it is highly dependent on human factors that make up nasyid itself. Appearance and color is the interpretation of a preachers preaching against what he himself understood the religious message.

If nasyid means missionary, preaching the values ​​of not only the lyrics and songs, but he was very impressed by what is portrayed through the character narrators.

Whether traditional or even nasyid contemporary with Hiphop and rock genres, backgrounds and syakhsiah penasyid will remain a part of a community assessment of the extent to which the relevance of the allegations as a means of preaching nasyid.

When nasyid tame itself to the genre of hip hop, rap and even pop rock, what the change involves only a change genres a song, or genre penasyid life itself?

Islamic songs which come from hip-hop community, in contrast with Islamic songs coming from the hip hop community mengimitasi.

Hip hop music production for penasyid among Afro-American Muslims in the United States, Canada and Britain, no doubt that their success lies in the purpose of wisdom in preaching. This success is by taking into account the hip-hop as a cultural community. Afro-American community to think and communicate with the genre of hip hop, rap and raggae. Thus, preaching the message through hip hop music, rap and raggae is to meet the purpose of wisdom in preaching.

Thus, as Mustaqim Sahir penasyid in his album 'Upright Song' has expressed so well the message of Islam, target Afro-American community in the United States and the world in general. Not forgetting, names such as Native Deen and Aashiq al Rasul (AAR).

Hip hop in this context, is no different nasyid Arab countries. Penasyid Arabic as Abu Ratib and Imad Rami maintain local music genre soul of language appropriate to the targeted audience.

They 'speak' in the language nasyid with the listener. Not only verbal language but also language of thought.

The same thing even more apparent when we look at the genre singer Divine, which is a term that is intended to nasyid, nasyid classical Islam in Turkey. Over 1/3 of the population of Turkey is close to the tradition kesufian, the disclosure of the Islamic message in the music which follows the discipline of God, make it easier for people to understand the message conveyed by the missionary.

Nasyid genre derived with the local culture is more consistent and so effectively in the performance of its functions as a medium for preaching.

However, when penasyid in Malaysia to change the taste of the local nasyid to the rhythm of hip hop, R & B and the like, to what extent this transition to meet the purpose of preaching?

If there are teenagers who want to reach out to introduce nasyid hip hop, what hip hop genre among our youth, is a culture and mindset, or pleasure and taste, while the coming and going?

If they chose hip hop because of interest, it is possible that they want their lives interrupted by the 'pseudo-hip hop' named mencelah.Remaja nasyid we may take advantage of the hip-hop, they do not reach the level of culture and thought in hip hop. It's just a trend.

Perhaps because of this, hip hop nasyid Malaysia either difficult to place ourselves in the category of nasyid, nor in the Hiphop category itself.

In the world of hip hop, hip hop nasyid ketulennya questioned. Is it hip hop or pseudo hip-hop?

While among the more onservatif nasyid fans, of course, they are difficult to accept the presence of these nasyid. They will continue to search for real nasyid!

The term 'real nasyid', inviting us to the second question. What is the meaning of the term 'nasyid real'? How is it defined?

This question is important because the answer will determine whether nasyid we produce in Malaysia can be classified as cabarang ART or not?


When a work of art to be lifted as a branch, it must be derived from a particular discipline and policy. If a form and how to write, he became art, the writing must comply with certain guidelines in the writing process. If a building design that wants adoption as art, I'm sure it is designed to build knowledge based on the underlying art.

This is a dilemma to nasyid in Malaysia. What nasyid fondisi to us?

Nasyid in Malaysia generally do not grow in the form of a learned art. Even the appearance of nasyid group in Malaysia relies heavily on the interest and talent is singing. However, to what extent the production of 'art' they pledged to the knowledge and discipline?

At least, how many penasyid, whether singers, or most importantly, the creator of nasyid songs, have knowledge in the field of Islamic music. Can they read music notes?

Art is defined by Brittanica Online as "?? Use skill and imagination in the production of objects, environments and aesthetic experience (beautiful) that can be shared with others"??. In other words, the art requires the production of the beautiful quality of work based on the skill and imagination.

Musical skills of Islam, is the discipline that has always existed in the Islamic tradition. A. Shiloah in his article titled "?? The Dimension of Sound"?? (The World of Islam, edited by Bernard Lewis) implies that the discipline of Islamic art come sing on proposals from technical reading verses of the Quran, azan and fazzaziyat and mawlid tradition itself. Dialunkan rhythm has a certain station and the beauty of this systematic rhythm, optimized by the revelation song is beautiful, often through poems that are rich in aesthetic value.

Adherence to the discipline of art is the key to the Islamic musical production of high quality. Islamic music is not only able to serve as an effective missionary medium, but also accepted as Islamic contributions to art and world civilization.

In fact, the greatness of Islamic music lifted more than just entertainment and dining emotions. It has been used as important instruments to the techniques of treating psychiatric patients, particularly in the era Othmaniyyah Turkey, and even back to the Seljuks.

After opening in 1453 Istanbul, Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih has opened a psychiatric treatment center known as Bimarhane-i-Sultan Mehmed Ebulfeth. In Edirne, psychiatric treatment centers have been built as part of a complex of Sultan Bayazid II and continued in use until 1915. Patients treated with Turkish music using harmonious, where musicians would pick certain notes and reactions of the patient record. Music notes of patients receiving the response will be used to create a special song which he heard the last patient from time to time.

Prof. Dr. Ayhan Songar of this study pointed out that, treatment with Western music is based on mathematics that is rigid, unable to produce an effect as a more artistic nature of Turkish music. This is proof of how, there is a treat emotional music, and some of them invite insanity!

This is what should be the focus of serious penasyid want to contribute to the development of Islamic music. Contemporary nasyid singers such as Sami Yusuf, is to give emphasis to this. He expresses nasyid-nasyidnya with basic knowledge of high art. Perhaps not wanting to be overshadowed by the images most nasyid time, he liked to be known as "?? Musician with a heart of Islam and Islam as the source of his"?? and not as penasyid.

As a preacher, who wrote to learn the ins and outs of effective writing techniques, or missionaries who need to learn the art of public speaking good public speaking, then so is the preacher who preached through nasyid, must go through the same process, making nasyid as an area that is a particular discipline and not only didendangkan sesedap taste.

If in a country like Turkey, Islamic music is the subject of study by students of Faculty of Theology (Ilahiyat) theoretical and practical. So, nasyid, nasyid they appear with high quality art for its own penasyid-penasyid, is composed of scholars in Islamic music as Mehmed Emin Ay and Mustafa Demirci. Penasyid and nasyid fans, raising their quality of nasyid music based on traditional Islamic art high and 'evergreen'.

From where, nasyid will obtain a consistent definition to the term 'real nasyid' will have a clearer purpose and accurately.


Returning to the nasyid as a medium of preaching, it may be thought of as an advertisement for the product to be marketed. Nasyid are ads promoting Islam, Allah and His Messenger, so near, known and accepted by society. Thus, the necessary elements highlighted in the nasyid missionary who wants to be the subject presented. A commercial advertisement can be regarded as a successful advertising, if successfully sold the product advertised well. However, a permanent ads are ads that fail, if his performance is only popularize the actress ads, but the advertised product is not sold. Nasyid which only focused on the revelation penasyid and weak in preaching, and thus failed to establish the next trend in society to accept Allah, His Messenger and Islam in their lives, is nasyid who failed to achieve the purpose.

In fact, nasyid must be able to act as pencorak, and not overwhelmed by the trend of changing society from time to time. Thus nasyid try-this-try-it and the like, there is scope to consider joint reflection.
Ust Hasrizal : Contemporary nasyid Lost Direction

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