Profile Shoutul Islam

Profile Shoutul Islam - SHOUTUL ISLAM  was formed on July 1, 2004. Base Camp in Kp Tipar No. 20 Rt. 004 Rw. 04 District Ciawi, Bogor, West Java. Starting from one of the planned activities at Masjid Raya Bogor, the committee plans to display the nasheed. Information we received from one of our committee who are also relatives and in the end we intend to form a nasyid team. Nasyid team that we call Shoutul Islam in the hope voices the truth of Islam fill the earth and everything in it.

At first our members (five) of the Abi Hanifah, Muhammad Arifin, Muhammad Faruq, Muhammad Haritshah, Muhammad Zaid. But when we fill out a circumcision ceremony in Jakarta in July 2005 we met with Mahyudin (Yudi), which he eventually became a part of Shoutul Islam .

Now we Shoutul Islam munsyid with others munsyid will always speak the truth of Islam through the singers.

Singers who brought Shoutul Islam :

 Cipt: Arie           

Masa remaja penuh canda dan tawa
Penuh cobaan dan rintangan
Dunia yang fana hadirkan maya semata
Godaan melanda butakan mata

Lihatlah di sana mereka yang terperdaya
Beragam budaya dan warna
Jangan kau tergoda hingga kau akan terlena
Kesenangan yang mematikan jiwa

Bukalah mata hatimu
Renungkan dengan kalbumu
Yakinkan langkah kakimu

Reff :
Remaja ceria duniamu
Hiasilah dengan terus berkarya
Cerahkan masa depanmu
Menapak asa gapai cita–cita
Bersama berharap ridho Allah semata

Profile Shoutul Islam

Source : BNC

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