Abu Nurah Profile

Abu Nurah Profile - Abu Nurah is an emcee with something to say, in the tradition of the greats like Chuck D and KRS ONE--in short, one of those that grabs the mic with a purpose. He came up in Los Angeles' notorious Pico-Union neighborhood. From an early age, he's had a strong connection to hip hop culture, twice winning his school's annual break-dancing competition. In the mid-eighties, he began to shift his focus to writing rhymes. After high school, Abu Nurah went on to study at Harvard, earning a piece of paper that says 'My momma didn't raise no dummy.'
        His debut album, a mixtape titled Don't be a Citizen is a wakeup call as well as a call to arms. Through this seminal work, Abu Nurah promotes a revolution of thought, urging listeners to stop thinking like 'citizens' who don't question what they're told. Indeed, injustices do not just arise from the words of corrupt leaders; rather they are enabled by armies of citizens who directly or indirectly assist the rulers by playing their various roles.
        Citizens see the world as 'Us' versus 'Them', while the rest of of us shun nationalism and embrace ideals of justice and human rights for all. What's more, citizens have been programmed to believe that we live in a real democracy and that corporate and special interest lobbies are a healthy sign. They praise our goverment as the world's best democracy, blind to the fact we live in the heart of the beast.
Abu Nurah Profile

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