Nasheed And Realita

Nasheed And Realita - Always interesting indeed, if any there is arguably something new in our society then "rising star". So, do not rule out the possibility of various criticisms, praise even cacianpun will be up to him. It is not unusual today. Something new then that is good, then there is the opportunity it is for the verbal abuse or praise. That would describe the role art can nasyid today. Inevitably, the presence of nasyid has now become a very different one from another.

Obviously, this is a great joy to us and grace for us all. Apparently, during this time we struggle to provide entertainment solutions occupy almost its peak. However, our struggle does not necessarily stop there, even with the circumstances we could say was "over the air" will be increasingly hard struggle for us. The number of questions - questions that should be answered, insults - insults that we must accept and criticism - criticism that come to our ears so much flattery - flattery fly our hearts. It will all attend our ears today.

The presence or nasyid songs - songs of religious pluralism in the middle part of our society, able to bring fresh air for us. That way, the burden we are already starting to feel lighter because most of our society is willing to listen to advice - advice divine though it is only one month in the month of Ramadan.

Now, when - when nasyid or song - the song "religious" in the mind likes the middle of our society which is essentially asks us to correct - correct resfek or jelly in assessing an objective so that the value of art - the art of nasyid which we stand still attached at the level of practice. Not necessarily because it was in gandrunginya then we lose sight of our struggle who had always been in agendakan. It is our job.

Now that a lot of pop songs that reliji breathing. Until - until the music group who originally sang the song - the song "secular". It's already started creating and singing songs - religious songs. Resfek part of our society are very well against them because they may be better known. It marked that part of our society is still blinded by the figure of "slaves - slaves entertainment" so that their judgment to us is still lacking.

Honestly, we have still not been able to penetrate the world of entertainment that still smelled of love, love, and love. What we've done so far can only watch and a little happier because of the song - the song is now being ardently religious among the people. But, with so we'll aim a little complacent that we are born we are not like them, but we were born to them. They are entertaining because we are the market demands because of the demands of the struggle and entertaining lillahi ta'ala. That's our difference with them
Nasheed And Realita

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