Newest Album (Himpunan Doa dan Zikir Taubat)

Newest Album (Himpunan Doa dan Zikir Taubat) - Who has not heard the melancholy remembrances repentance? Melancholic tunes plus a spirit of humility can meruntunkan worst of all, coupled with slow sigh. Records Jacksons heart through a series of light output has issued a compilation of Prayer and Remembrance Colors collection. Supplication accumulated in this album is the rhythm of the Munif Ahmad, the late DJ Asri Ibrahim and Bazli Hazwan (UNIC).

Listen to this album for anyone to make a soft heart. The melodious strains of the charm of this album. It is a known, Munif Jacksons and the late DJ is famous for the beautiful tunes of their mystic meditation in vogue until the close of each day playing in TV and Radio stations

In fact, participation in Bazli UNIC is like an honor for this young penasyid when given the opportunity to engage in this compilation. Indirectly, the diversity of 'voice tone' of this album is enough to attract attention.

The album was recorded in Jacksons recording studio with engineer Shamir Supaat familiar with the Jacksons Records album release and was made ​​by Wan Masteringnya Sallehuddin.

The album was issued Jacksons Records and distributed by Warner Music
Newest Album (Himpunan Doa dan Zikir Taubat)

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