Profile SNADA

The group that gets its name from a famous religious scholars, KH. Toto Tasmara nasyid Indonesia has become an icon. Snada give way and become a pioneer for the teams of young pop nasyid quickly and admirable throughout the archipelago. They were the first nasyid group that brings nasyid to schools, colleges, hotels, wedding events, conferences, and events of local, national, regional and even international.
Since initiated in 1991 by Agus Idwar Jumhadi (iid), Erwin John (Ewink), and M. Lukman Nunasyim (Lukman), Snada has made a variety of surprises. Starting from bernasyid technique divides the sound, while standing and facing the audience. Snada surprise pernasyidan world at that time, where everyone sits bernasyid manner, without dividing the vote, there is no element of entertainment, and monotonous. The fourth entry of personnel, Alamsyah (Isa) in 1992, making the group complete with 4 votes.
The entry Alamsyah Agus (Aal) and M. Taqiudin Iqbal (Iqbal) equip them so that the formulation of nasheed
such as Boyz 2 Men at the time. Iqbal is a former track champion at various festivals such as the Copyright Enchantment Bintangan Voice of Asia, making Snada more sleek appearance at that time.
Isa's departure in 1995 because of the rush and a different vision as well as the inclusion of two new personnel, Ikhsan Nur Ramadhan (Ikhsan) in March 1999 that in fact converts and Tardiana Tarlanda Teddy (Teddy Kang) in November 2000, providing more awesome surprises for Snada world as well as the increasingly widespread nasyid from year to year.
Ikhsan the former pebasis' and a professional singer Teddy make Snada more perfect performance, full range sound expression, and the character and strength of a much more vibrant vocals.
If the sound capabilities complement the vocals Teddy Iqbal. Moreover since these young children
Farabi School gets gemblengan of-school music Dwiki Darmawan who has long been giving very positive support to the nasheed in Indonesia, especially to Snada.

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