Latest Single Teddy Snada

Latest Single Teddy Snada - What is on the stretch of this world can be an inspiration. Nature, reality includes an inspirational song called nasheed. This time it was from a maestro in the world of religious music a nasyid group fronted predecessors in this country Teddy Tardiana (Snada).

Singers 'Pandai Bersyukur' is the debut single, Teddy Snada this in early 2012. Be grateful for this single release. Though, honestly the first time listening still casual. But when listening to it a second time and so there is a tremendous spirit in this song.

This song tells a testimony of a servant is rarely grateful to the Almighty give favors. The lyrics 'something really' evocative to make improvements in any condition. Teddy vocals add feel this song. From the beginning to the end of the song feels very dynamic. Arrangement also sounded sweet and fitting.
Latest Single Teddy Snada

Sering ku ungkapkan dengan kata
Sering ku ungkapkan dengan hati
Tapi tidak sering ku akui
PadaMu-lah ku harus memohon

Betapa luas karuniaMu
Betapa indahnya ciptaanMu
Namun lebih sering ku akui
Ku takpernah bersyukur padaMu

Ku coba untuk merubah segalanya
Menjadi yang terbaik
Dari kehidupan yang dulu
Semoga Alloh memberikanku kekuatan
Agar menjadi hamba yang pandai bersyukur

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