Profile ontheD (Hip-Hop)

Profile ontheD (Hip-Hop)  - The follow-up album to the ground-breaking "Karbala: The Unspoken Word" by the diverse performers known collectively as ontheD is now available for order online for around 11 US dollars. The new album trailer video playing on the web site as well as on YouTube sets the tone for excitement and inspiration – and the new album, entitled "The 12th Prince", does not disappoint.In 11 English-language tracks, listeners of all faiths are educated, given hope and inspiration, and invited to an upright path in preparation for the ever-nearing return of both Jesus (peace be upon him) and the Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance).

The first track, "In the Beginning", sounds like an old school documentary excerpt, setting the stage of looking forward to a future better than the troubled world we live in today.

This is swiftly followed by "We Await Around the World", spoken word poetry with samples from The Last Samurai film score, in which people of all faiths and backgrounds – Mayan, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Native American – are characterized and given voice, announcing their awaiting of a savior.

Then, in "It's Been Said Before", we hear what sounds like a clip from an old movie, a scene in which the connections between all the Prophets and scriptures are made, unifying the People of the Book – a revelation that all Prophets came with the same message, a piece of which is recited: Qur'an 81:1-14, recalling that all souls will witness an accounting of their deeds.

In "Son Rise", background sampling in the vein of E. S. Posthumus is overlain with a 10-minute telling of the story of the coming rise of Imam Mahdi and the signs preceding it, as described in narrations.

Next, "The Emancipation" is a pleading poetry, calling on us all to free ourselves from the grips of secret societies, conspiracies, and governmental and institutional controls, which wraps with an excerpt from President John F. Kennedy's April 27, 1961 address to the American Newspaper Publishers Association in which he speaks out against secret societies and their acts of infiltration and intimidation.

"No Mind" calls to notice the changing world, how more people are becoming aware of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and the Twelfth Imam, but not yet enough people have prepared themselves for the return. Pop culture references to President Obama and Michael Jackson are invoked to cleverly advise us to wake up and reform ourselves to be prepared for our Imam.

"Destiny" is interspersed with the line "Destiny, I'm told, favors the Brave and the Bold," and uses the sea as a metaphor both in sound and word – how many men drown in their sins, casualties of self-love, instead of courageously setting their compasses toward God.

"Doubting the Doubts" reminds us that the return of the 12th Prince could be very soon, and provides hope to sinners that anyone can reform his ways and put up challenge to the whispering of Shaitan. It reminds that our past acts do not have to rule us, that a sinner can turn to faith in the Unseen and serve the Imam.

"Beyond Nicea" draws comparisons between Prophet Jesus and the 12th Imam and references the story of the Christian king Najjashi, who gave refuge to 70 Muslims who fled from pagan persecutors in Mecca after hearing them recite from Surah Maryam. The story opens with the same old movie from "It's Been Said Before", the scene this time having the Muslims recite Surah Maryam, verses 16-20 for King Najjashi, and the track ending with the King declaring, "The difference between you and us is no thicker than this line." The overall message is one of unification of Muslims and Christians behind Jesus and Imam Mahdi when they return.

"Sunset" invokes a soldier of Imam fighting for peace with God's strength as his strength. Rather than angry and vengeful, this soldier is a patient servant of the Most High, seeking refuge from the worldly pains and disappointments through leading a moral life.

The final track, "Bundle of Flowers", is just what it is entitled – a flowing recitation of numerous sayings, or flowers, from our Imams, about how to live as true human beings, many of which will be familiar to the audience. Thus, the album ends by teaching how to await the 12th Prince through an upright life. It ends simply in the words of Willy Wonka: "So shines a good deed in a weary world."

The talented cast has produced another inspiring, cool, and beautiful artistic effort for the sake of God that is sure to appeal to young and old. The 12th Prince is an aural treat and good food for the mind and soul. Bon Appétit! Profile ontheD (Hip-Hop)

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