Profile 4teens (Fourteens)

Profile 4teens (Fourteens) - philosophy Name 4teens (fourteens) = 4 (four) young children, but it consists of 4 munsyid (singer), nasyid was also hoping to have a young spirit in islam spread  through chanting. 4 (for) also means "to", segmenasi this nasheed for young people to adults / parents. Fourten = 14, because the formation date is 14 April 2011. And the last 4-teens = can be read as At-tin, which is one of the fruits mentioned in the Koran and become the name of a sura therein, fig fruit is very much beneficial. And we hope we can nasyid, nasyid provides benefits for those who listen. Amin
Consists of four main vocal:
A. Al wie (UNS Computer Science 2009)
2. Ikhsan (UNS Javanese Literature 2009)
3. Jake (UNS Technical Education Building 2009)
4. Rudi (UNS Agroteknologi 2011)
The formation ...
Starting from munsyid search auditions in the city of Solo and surrounding areas, up to a peak in the Grand Final in April 2011. Of the 10 finalists was elected Grand Final 4 of munsyid that eventually formed into a nasyid team named "4teens". genre is pop religious
Profile 4teens (Fourteens)

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