10 years Edcoustic

Kata-kata cinta terucap indah

Mengalun berzikir di kidung doaku

Sakit yang kurasa biar jadi penawar dosaku

Butir-butir cinta air mataku

Teringat semua yang  Kau beri untukku

Ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini

Ya ilahi

Muhasabah cintaku.
10 years Edcoustic - The phrase often heard on radio funnel and always watched on YouTube site through Muhasabah Cinta song. The song sung by a group of young people from Indonesia who introduced themselves as Edcoustic. Edcoustic has been in the entertainment world since May 25, 2002, by Aden as a vocalist and Eggie as guitarist. The first album Masa Muda has found fans in October 2004 and have had quite a positive response. Something that is proud of is the concept put forward by the concept of pop music Edcoustic inspiring.
Muhasabah Cinta Edcoustic Boost Popularity

Edcoustic second album, Sepotong Episode further boosted the group's name in Indonesia and some countries in Southeast Asia. Muhasabah Cintais the result of conscious songs blend strong vocals Edcoustic with new artists, Bima. Temples quite poetic lyrics that are unique works of Aden so appealing to fans Edcouctic groups in Malaysia as well.

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih

Composers popular in Indonesia, Melly Goeslow has collaborated with a member of this group for publishing song OST Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, the film When Love's popular in the archipelago (Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore).

Continuity Album: Hits Decade Album

In conjunction with the music industry a decade Edcoustic color, they have launched an album that brings the songs hits Edcoustic special for the fans who do not weary of travel support Edcoustic art career over 10 years. Not only sold in Indonesia, but this album is distributed in Malaysia through its Inteam Records Sdn Bhd which have exclusive rights to distribute the albums Edcoustic in Malaysia.

Celebrate Birthday at Home Orphanage

Special to celebrate the anniversary of the 10th, was celebrated in Edcoustic RY, Stone Fruit in Bandung. They also share that happiness with the orphans there by giving gifts and sing their hits together.

Happy Birthday to-10 Edcoustic! May continue to succeed and continue to actively create works of unique and special for all....
10 years Edcoustic

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